Hi, welcome to the quick guide to use the PageUpgrader extension's built-in functions, including:

  • Timer to auto-close, auto-reload, auto-focus and/or to automatically open sites.
  • On-page stopwatch to track the time spent on page, together with some basic time events.
  • Text-selection actions to perform some quick actions on the selecting text, including: open text as link, general search, search image, search video, search map, translate the selecting text, copy, highlight the page's content with the selecting text as keyword(s), save text to file.
  • Prevent page from detecting tab switching, which is useful for sites that stop functioning when user switches to another tab.

Lest's get started!

1. Skip user login

When you open the PageUpgrader extension, user login panel will be shown if you haven't logged in yet. If you intend to use only the built-in functions mentioned above, it's better to skip the logging in process. In that case, the extension will automatically log in as Anonymous user. To skip user login:

  1. Tick the 'Skip user login' checkbox on the User login panel, then
  2. Click the 'Use as anonymous' button to start the extension.
  3. skip user login
    Image-1: Skip user login
You can restore the logging in process later via the extension's options page.

2. Extension's options

To ensure user's security and privacy, a multiple layers of feature availability and permission is implemented. Only allowed sites can be processed, and only permitted actions will be performed. By default, all built-in functions and features (except Prevent tab switching detection) are enabled for all sites. You can disable or configure them the way you need via the Options page of the extension.

Timer to auto-close, auto-reload,... is available in the extension's main page when you click on the extension's icon. Setting a monitor or scheduler will also enable this feature.

You can open the extension's Options page with 4 methods:

  1. Click on the PageUpgrader extension's icon, then select the Gear icon.
  2. Right-click on the PageUpgrader extension's icon, then select the 'Extension options' from the menu.
  3. The next method is through the extension's main page. Firstly clicking on the extension icon to open the main page, then switching to 'Utilities' tab and select 'Options' from the menu.
    open options page
    Image-2: Open options via extension's main page
  4. The Options page can also be accessed through the browser's extension management. Firstly right-clicking on the extension icon and select 'Manage extension' from the menu. Then using the 'Extension option' link at the bottom of the appearing page.

Let's explore the Options page and available feature setting!

3. Auto-process

Auto-process can be used to automatically process target page(s) so the page(s) will be ready the time you need it. Auto-process will also be useful when you need the page to be processed before completing loading. The extension can also be configured to process allowed sites when you need, please visit manually triggers for details.

Image-3: User permission request and auto-process enabling
With 3 modes of auto-process, including: 'all pages', 'specific pages' and 'all pages but excluding some', it will be flexible enough to meet your requirements. It's safe to enable auto-process, because the PageUpgrader extension will ask for user permission before processing any pages.
Even if you will only manually trigger page process, it's recommended to turn on auto-process. By doing that, the tab will be discovered and prepared to be ready to be processed whenever you need. To do that, please enable auto-process with 'Specific sites' and without specifying any sites.
To enable auto-process, simply picking one among 3 choices: 'Specific sites', 'All sites' or 'All sites, but excluding some'. When 'Specific sites' or 'All sites, but excluding some' is selected, an additional panel will be shown for you to specify the target sites. To learn how to specify target site(s), please visit: How-to: Specify target site.
Make sure to save the configurations with the 'Save' button at the bottom of the Options page.

Site Access Control

In order for auto-process and also other features to run smoothly, you may need to make a change to the Site Access Control. This is the browser's feature to restrict the access of extensions. To learn more about it, please visit Site Access

To configure Site Access Control:

  1. Firstly, right-click on the PageUpgrader extension's icon and select 'Manage extension' from the menu.
  2. Browser's manage extension page will be opened, please scroll down a little. You will find the 'Site Access' section.
  3. Change the value of 'Site Access' to 'On all sites'.
With PageUpgrader extension's built-in permission system and site restriction feature, the browser's Site Access Control can be disabled. Of course, if you want an additional layer of security, and you fully understand this browser option, you can configure it the way you want. However, it's not very flexible.

Image-4: Site Access Control

4. Restricted sites [recommended]

Image-5: Specify restricted site(s)
This is used to specify site(s) that you don't want the extension to process. It is highly recommended for sites containing sensitive information. To learn how to specify restricted site(s), please visit: How-to: Specify target site.

5. Prevent page from detecting tab switching

Some sites will stop functioning when user switches to another tab, for example: site(s) having count-down to force you to wait and view their site content before some meaningful actions are performed. Enable this feature on such sites can be really helpful.

Image-6: Prevent page from detecting tab switching
When tab switching detection prevention feature is enabled, 'Specific site(s)' is recommended. Sometimes the tab switching detection is crucial for the page, accidentally disabling it can lead to an unexpected result. For that reason, you should only specify the site(s) that the tab switching detection can be ignored and the result will not be affected.
To learn how to specify target site(s), please visit: How-to: Specify target site.

6. Permission scope and features enabling

PageUpgrader extension will ask for user's permission before processing any pages. However, it is not a good idea to display permission notification repeatedly for the same actions. That is the reason why permission scope is implemented.

Image-7: Feature enabling and Permission scope

If the 'Enable' checkbox is not ticked, meaning that the Feature is not enabled, the permission will be automatically rejected. Permission scope will determine when the permission request is displayed, and there are 3 choices:

  • Tab - permission will be asked once for each tab with a specific host, and it will be automatically granted when needed in that same tab and host.

    Let's take an example, supposing that you are opening 3 tabs: tab A - pageupgrader.com, tab B - google.com and tab C - pageupgrader.com/guide
    If you grant permission to tab A, the extension will only have permission to process that tab when user is viewing any pages from pageupgrader.com. If you navigate tab A to another domain, for example bing.com, the extension will not be able to process that tab, and permission will be asked again. The extension will not be able to process tab C, even though user is viewing one page from pageupgrader.com

  • Host - permission will be asked once for each specific host/domain, and it will be automatically granted when needed for that host/domain.
    Take the above example, when the permission scope is Host, and you grant permission to tab A, the extension will have permission to process both tab A and tab C, because they have the same domain. In the future, if you open and view any pages from pageupgrader.com, the extension will automatically be granted permission to process that tab.
  • Auto-grant - permission will be automatically granted, for any tabs and any pages.
    With the above example, the extension will automatically have permission to process tab A, tab B and tab C.
All granted or rejected permissions will be reset when the browser is closed or when user resets it manually. To manually reset permissions:
  1. Firstly, clicking on the PageUpgrader extension's icon.
  2. Switching to 'Utilities' tab and selecting 'Reset permission' from the menu.
  3. Then select 'Reset all permissions' or 'Reset permission for this tab/host'

7. On-page stopwatch

You can find this feature in the Change page content section. To enable it, simply specify the site(s) that you want on-page stopwatch to appear. To learn how to specify target site(s), please visit: How-to: Specify target site.

On-page timer
Image-8: On-page stopwatch enabling
You can configure it to auto-start, show time pattern and keep time value when navigating. By default, timer will be reset when you navigate to another page. Stopwatch will be created together with some time controls, like 'Start', 'Pause', 'Reset', 'Remove'. They are displayed by default. You can only choose to hide those controls when 'Auto-start' is enabled.
'Disable auto-process for this feature' is useful when you want to turn on auto-process for some features while turn it off for others.

8. Text-selection actions

You can find this feature in the Change page content section. To enable it, simply specify the site(s) that you need text-selection actions. To learn how to specify target site(s), please visit: How-to: Specify target site.

Image-9: Text-selection actions
You can choose which actions (buttons) will be displayed and the order of those actions by clicking on the '--' button (clicking on it again to remove). Opened tab(s) from text-selection will be kept when you navigate to another page. If you want the extension to automatically close them, please enable 'Auto-close'.

By default, word(s) will only be highlighted when it wholly matches any keywords, for example: when the keyword is 'age', only 'age' will considered matched, not 'page', 'cage' or 'aged'. If you want the extension to highlight 'page', 'cage',... too, please enable 'Match parts of word(s)'. You can enable 'Match whole phrase' to prevent selecting text from being splitted into separate words before matching.

You can further customize the text-selection actions with 'Default research preference', like which language to translate to, which search agent to use,...
Image-10: Default research preference
Set clipboard and/or Download features will need to be enabled when 'Copy' and/or 'Save text to file' are selected
set-clipboard and download
Image-11: Set clipboard and Download features enabling

9. Timer to auto-close, auto-reload, auto-open,...

Image-12: Create a schedule
PageUpgrader extension can be used to create a schedule to auto-close, auto-reload (and focus), or auto-open site(s). Don't forget to check the 'Detail configuration' tab to configure the schedule actions.
The current timer progress can be checked via Quick View in the extension's main page. To access it, please open the extension's main page by clicking on the PageUpgrader extension's icon. Then switching to 'Quick View' tab and clicking on the monitor name.
Image-13: Quick View
Timer may be adjusted to meet with the internal browser and extension's functions. If exact scheduled time is required, a dedicated tool will be a better choice.

Other useful info

How-to: manual-process

To manually trigger the page process, please go to the extension's main page by clicking on PageUpgrader extension's icon. Then switching to 'Utilities' tab and selecting 'Process current tab' button. When there are no available scripts that can be applied or the current tab is not supported or restricted, the 'Process current tab' button will be hidden.
Image-14: Manually trigger page process

How-to: Specify target site

To determine whether a site (link) is a target one or not, the site's url will be matched with a pre-determined value. There are 3 types of comparison: the host/domain of the site will be checked, exact site url is required (Full URL), or a part of site's url is matched (Part URL).
Image-15: Specify target site(s)

For example, you want the current page to be one of the target sites (for auto-process, restricted sites,...)

Full URL: https://pageupgrader.com/guide/quick-guide
Host/domain: pageupgrader.com

  1. Host/domain is used:
    Pre-determined valueMatched?
    Because *. will represent an empty string, or any none empty strings, so *.pageupgrader.com will match pageupgrader.com, www.pageupgrader.com, or even abc.def.pageupgrader.com,... For that reason, when Host/domain is selected, it's recommended to add the *. before the main host/domain.
  2. Full URL is used:
    Pre-determined valueMatched?
    The pre-determined value need to be a valid and complete link, and need to start with https:// or http://.
  3. Part URL is used:
    Pre-determined valueMatched?
    The pre-determined value must not contain whitespace.

So, in order to instruct the extension that you want the current page https://pageupgrader.com/guide/quick-guide to be a target site, you can:

  1. Use 'Host/domain' together with pageupgrader.com or *.pageupgrader.com as pre-determined value
  2. Use 'Full URL' together with https://pageupgrader.com/guide/quick-guide as pre-determined value
  3. Use 'Part URL' together with upgrader.com/guide/quick, upgrader.com/guide, or any continuous strings that appear in the current page's url as pre-determined value

Currently, only single condition can be specified for each target. Meaning that if the site's url satisfies with one condition ('Host/domain', 'Full URL', or 'Part URL'), it will be considered as a target site (even if it doesn't satisfy other conditions).
In the future, a combination of conditions will be available. For example, site that need to match the 'Host/domain' but it must not match the 'Part URL',...